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Driving to Brisbane I saw a sign that said ‘ life promises you a soft landing but not a safe passage .‘

It made me smile and sad simultaneously – the truth of that saying is reflected in my life.

Just as I relax and start to feel secure my life raft is struck by an almighty wave, it lurches wildly, is tossed around like a feather being blown on the wind, then gains speed as it begins its downward journey surfing the wave.

The question becomes, how far am I to fall this time …

Suddenly the wind changes and my raft rocks violently and bounces into the trough. Glancing up I can see clouds racing as does my pulse. The crests of the waves crash over me as I bob along clutching to the sides, knuckles white with desperation, praying for calm.

Suddenly it is eerily quiet and anxiety recedes. My buoyancy returns. Sunshine beams down on me and I can feel that warm glow spread through me and brighten my soul. My splintered heart is bathed in glorious light and all hurt is momentarily pushed aside.

Thank goodness for our human spirit, for the sun that shines and the moon that rises, for the friendships and caring and for our unconscious umbilical cord of hope.

May your pain be momentarily cast aside this Xmas while you are bathed in glorious light, in optimism and hope. Surround yourself with good, with positivity, with joy that binds us, to enable you to find the love and kindness that we seek in others.

Lay down your cross, your hurt and pain for today. Waken with the dawn and rejoice in the birth of a new day for we cannot change the course of the world but we can stand tall in our universe and reach for the stars.

Our absent friends and family reside in peace and harmony and my wish is the same for us left behind.

Love, peace, hope and laughter

X Alison
