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About Aidan

Welcome t’ me website.

I be Th’ Pirate Chef an’ if ye want t’ know more about ‘why’ th’ eye patch ye can read me story in …

Enough of that Pirate lingo, although I will be passing on some interesting hints and tips on how to speak like a pirate.

My name is Aidan Needham and I qualified as a Chef in July 08. I will be turning 24 this year, 2010.
I have a brain tumour, which has resulted in many changes to my life journey, not only in the medical arena but also in my personal life and career. One of my symptoms is double vision – hence the eye patch.

I started six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy early December 08 and therefore had to give up my job. This prompted the launch of my website to raise funds to help cover my accommodation and living expenses, and to help pay my ongoing medical bills (including long-term chemo treatment).

I am offering an e-cookbook for the paultry sum of $20, which features some of my favourite recipes as well as recipes of those close to me. It has been so well received I’m planning on publishing another – see E-cookbook page.

Since I love to bake and cook, I decided to earn money by putting my skills to good use. I’ve started selling a range of goods at our local farmers Moggill market, I also do catering.

Thank you for visiting my site, for all your emails, support, prayers and well-wishes.

In love and laughter,



Aidan Cale Needham

25.06.1986 – 20.10.2010

Hi All,

Please see details below for the farewell of our much beloved Aidan, if you would like to attend. I know some of you are overseas or interstate and cannot make it, so I thought I would pass it on anyway, so you may think of him and remember the joy he brought into your life with his beautiful smile and kind heart.
Thank you for the beautiful messages of support and kind words, myself and our families are touched that Aidan has affected so many lives.
Much Love,
Aleisha (Mrs Needham!)
Aidan's service

Aidan article

click to enlarge

18th September 2010
The Moggill Markets Aidan Needham Appeal

Remember our Pirate Chef? This talented chef and his South African cuisine, is seriously ill. Aidan has a brain tumour, and although he has had surgery and chemotherapy, the treatment has not been totally successful. He has now embarked on further treatment which is going to cost a great deal of money, about $24,000.00.

Aidan is a valued member of our market and we want to help him, so we are launching a major raffle for him with over $2000.00 worth of prizes.

We have had some wonderful prizes donated and sponsored, so please when you are at the market buy your raffle tickets or tickets can also be bought online and they will be emailed to you.

Payments can be made to:
Alison Rip
NAB Swift code
BSB number (branch)
Account No